Oh hi, reader,
See, writing is terrible. Everyone knows that. I don’t mean my writing specifically (I do want to believe it's not terrible) but writing as an @CtiVitY. Bleeding on the page, thinking constantly of stories and plots and characters, twists and turns of their fates can quickly burn one out or exhaust one mentally, which, being honest, happened to me lately to some extent, and I needed to fix that.
I realised that I've missed "fun", which might not be that visible from the outside given that I publish things here regularly, even pieces that have a humorous touch to them. By "fun", I mean experiments, things done out of pathological curiosity and only for that one reason. This is how I get all my weird ideas (are they?), and this is how I decided to invite Felix Futzbucker, my good friend and bottomless grail of inspiration, to be an occasional co-author here on Nova Nevedoma.
Most of you might know who Felix is, some of you might not, even though I have some characters named after him and inspired by his rich personality, but regardless, I hope he can deliver some interesting thoughts, new ideas, and a portion of fun.
To make Felix a proper introduction, I thought something of an interview medium would do a great job, but the interviewer shouldn't be me (tho I made one interview with my friend Brady), for I already know too much about Felix and I have no idea what to ask. To make the interview objective and more interesting, I decided to ask around in the STSC. Everyone in the club knows Felix, but few know much about him. Immediately, I found an interviewer. To say I was excited is to say nothing because the man who volunteered was Tony Zentelis himself. I recommend you check out Tony's writing, it's incredibly immersive, witty, and full of life—uniquely unique stuff, one of a kind.
Your world needs to be on fire. Multiple remote corporate jobs. Gambling operation on the side. Various women getting mad at you. Funding your brother’s business. Nicotine. Incoherent ramblings on word documents. Long walks
— Tony (@tonyzentelis) February 4, 2022
Embedding "a tweet" here feels blasphemous, but not embedding it would be showing a gargantuan disrespect towards my mate Tony.
Anyhow, if you want to learn more about Felix, or maybe just have fun, please enjoy the post today.
Myself, I'll see you next time (probably next week).
Have a good time with Tony and Felix,
Bye bye